Monday, November 16, 2009

3rd post

For this post, I have chosen the cover with the shadow of Ben on the wooden beam looking out over the window. I think this cover is perfect for the story because it resembles Ben. Ben is a monster child and is described on page 48 as "not a pretty baby" (Lessing 48). On the cover, the Ben is crouching down and looks like he is ready to jump onto someone or something. In the book, Ben is abnormally strong and does not get along with pretty much anyone. He is a "devil child" and this picture resembles a "devil child" very well.


  1. I also chose that novel cover for part of the same reason. I also said that Ben is much stronger than he should be for his size. I think this photo shows that perfectly, because he is a small boy crouching down, but he looks like he is filled with great strength.

  2. I completely agree with everything that you are saying, Ben is a devil child in the ways that he acts. Harriet tried to help him, by sedating him and training him in the ways of respectable manners. But he responds okay at first and then he goes wrong again and hurts everyone around him. He takes oer the house and the family and ruins them all.

  3. I also agree with you. I chose a different book cover, but Ben is still a devil child that is lacking the proper care and love from his parents.
